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I Am Horrified By This Latest Development As Reported By AP. Please Help!

Hi Leigh, The AP just reported this a few days ago. If true, this is horrifying for our democracy! Is there anyway you can get this message out to the electorate to fight back. This is what will happen if we lose this election and they are saying it out loud. I believe them! Thank you for all you do. Regards, Peter

Fighting Back

Just wondering why do you think so many women are not standing up for thier Rights? I see some larger cities are kicking back but nothing like we saw with the election of Trump.How do you put a fire under the butts of ladies like we saw in the 60's and 70's?

An opportunity for you

Hello PG, I have been a listener for a long time and a premium member from the beginning. Let me talk you about me. I am a higher education coordinator at a community college in Dallas. My biggest responsibility is helping to manage the 7 campus SGA chapters. With that in mind, I have to organize different leadership conferences for the 80+ student leaders that represent the 80k from the college. My ask is this.... do you ever do speaking engagements? If you do, what is your charge and can you do something specifically about how the SGA is a parallel to the government and the atrength and power that these leaders have. I am doing a training at the end of September and anything from you (recorded would be great) could really make an impact. Just your story of moving to the US is inspired . This probably is not the best way to connect but.... I'm at a loss. Thank you, Kelly Sonnanstine Dallas College

"A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For Putin"

Highest regards!, Please consider a rant entitled "A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For Putin" based on this latest shitshow in the House and years of collusion? It's a simple message and might make a good ProDEM campaign ad series, with appeal to battleground IND voters.

NC Secret Police Force

What is your take on the legislators of NC creating basically a secret police force with no oversight and broad powers that trump the Constitution?