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Trump, the new Hitler?

In an April 2016 New York Times op-ed, Vance argued that Trump was “unfit” for office. That year, he also sent a message to his law school roommate saying that he was going “back and forth between thinking that Trump is a cynical asshole … or that he’s America’s Hitler.” <<< I say >>> That if Trump's running-mate thinks this of him, how can anyone support and vote for him?

Petition to Report Heritage Foundation to IRS

Could u plz reach out to Midas Touch, BTC, & Dem leaders u have contact with to begin & share a petition to deliver to the IRS, asap? The Heritage Foundation's operating as a nonprofit "org", "", which is allowed to avoid taxes, but not be politically involved. And yet, for 60+ yrs, they've been heavily involved with politics, beginning with Reagan & every single election since, small & large, local & national. It's a great clear violation of tax law. They should be investigated, audited & fined & forced to change. They're an obvious Super PAC, accepting donations from over 100 corporations, companies & right wing groups. Thx 🙋🏼‍♀️ 818-515-5173

Arizona, Trump, Grand Jury & Prosecutors

As per “The Independent”, an AZ Grand Jury voted to indict 18 Republicans in DJT’s election loss scheme and wanted to charge DJT as well. It was revealed that Prosecutors gave Grand Jurors a PowerPoint presentation about overlapping state & federal charges and requested not to indict DJT. <<< In My Opinion >>> As other get indicted, they let the Mob-Boss (DJT) skate. Why is everyone too afraid to do their jobs? Do we have a (chicken) Legal system or a Justice system ??? It seems like the main culprit (DJT) is getting away with totally subverting “the system”! This is getting more and more aggravating day by day. When, if at all will DJT answer to his actions and the persuasion of others to do his dirty work?

No Kings Act

From 8/1/24 – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduced “No Kings Act” which would attempt to invalidate the decision by declaring that presidents are not immune from criminal law and clarifying that Congress, not the Supreme Court, determines to whom federal criminal law is applied. Schumer, said that Congress has an obligation and the constitutional authority to check the Supreme Court on its decision. The Senate bill has more than two dozen Democratic cosponsors. • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority that “our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of presidential power entitles a former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.” • But Roberts insisted that the president “is not above the law.” <<< My question – How can Justice John Roberts have it both ways? >>>

Trump’s call to GA Sec. of State

Fanni Willis alleges that Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia. Her probe focuses on his call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which Trump urged him to "find" enough votes to tilt the election in his favor, as well as an alleged plot to submit a false slate of pro-Trump electors to the Electoral College. <<< My Take >>> The call and contents were recorded and on record. Since evidence cannot be biased one way or the other, then due to this fact, there should be a “short & sweet” trial, finding DJT guilty of undermining the public of GA’s voting rights, and DJT should be held accountable with sentencing forthwith.