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Oklahoma has instituted to having Public Schools Teach the Bible. In my opinion, this should not be. What about • Separation of Church and State? Isn't this Discriminatory? From: - Christianity 31%. What about Buddhism 6.6%, Hinduism 15.2%, Islam 24.9%, Judaism 0.2%, etc. I say REMOVE teaching specific religions from Public schools. Teach an overview of religions and how they evolved. If they intend on teaching specific religions, then they must include ALL (or at least MOST) of the at least 21 religions to be non-discriminatory. Your thoughts?


SCOTUS came out with their decision about Trump's immunity (claims) today. This generic decision could have been rendered six months ago. THEN, they reward themselves with several months vacation! I think SCOTUS' actions (or lack thereof) just gave Trump The Election! Now Trump will claim that any or all conversations are part of the "core" responsibilities as President. How off am I with this point of view?


There has not been a greater threat to our democracy since the Cuban Missile Crisis than Trump and his influence is having right now. Trump's approach to SCOTUS has made it possible for Biden to use an Executive Order to prohibit convicted felons from running for President, and he can do so with Presidential immunity. Biden should take this opportunity to issue an Executive Order for “Good Moral Character” with banning any person convicted of any felony from being elected or appointed to any governmental position or put on the election ballots of those positions. Let's get his attention SOMEHOW so that democracy can prevail.

Trump's Sentencing Delayed ???

Why is Trump's sentencing being delayed ??? Trump was not president at the time, AND more to the point, This is a STATE case, not a FEDERAL case. Ergo, the question of Presidential Immunity should not even be considered.

AMA, an Orphan Child?

Leigh (or others), it looks like there have been no responses to our questions for almost a year now. Definitely not for May 2024 and not for June 2024. What's Up ???