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SCOTUS – How to Improve it

Can we / Should we, change Judges from being appointed to being Elected? What about installing “Term Limits”? Time magazine say that there should be 27 Judges on the SCOTUS Panel. Should the term limit be nine years with a rotating election of Judges? If we go with the Time’s 27 Judge panel, then would the rotation and term be 27 years with a limit of one term? Will any of this help eliminate the possibility of a President loading SCOTUS to their persuasion? As always, Your thoughts on the topic.

APOLOGIES for all the submissions, BUT…

Leigh, my apologies for all my recent AMA submissions, BUT, as can be inferred, I have some pent up issues with our Government, etc. I have been putting together a list of topics, that, I think need to be addressed. I began this before I knew about your Podcasts (and Rants). I Love your Rants. They are concise and to the point with a minimum of time involved for the viewer to expend or losing attention. Since at this point I am retired, I have a renewed focus on how our Government is changing. In my opinion, since the 1970’s there has NOT been a presidential candidate to vote FOR, like Eisenhower, or so, it has been (for lack of better words) the lesser of two evils like Nixon (to vote against). I believe we are leading up to a precipice that needs enormous attention and remediation if we (as a unified country) are to survive this. One of the questions is – HOW can we more effectively spread the word so that all American Citizens are aware of how important this year’s election really is?

SIX Months or Less - Salvation or Disaster?

Leigh, Election Day is LESS than SIX MONTHS away. All of us, need to "up our game" so that we are successful in keeping Democracy in America rather than being defeated in disaster. Enlighten us with what everyone everywhere can do to help ensure that America can continue with democracy. Thanks Much.

2025 Presidential Transition Project (updated)

Can you boil this document down to its "nitty gritty" for us? Starting to look thru this document, I see: pg 5: “reassign” the sex of a minor is child abuse and must end. pg 7: This process is not designed to empower 330 million American citizens and their elected representatives, but rather to empower the party elites secretly negotiating without any public scrutiny or oversight. no name a couple. As per Katie Couric (Ref: ), This is a plan that could dramatically reshape America’s balance of power by putting virtually every part of the federal government under the control of Donald Trump should he take back the White House. This plan is aimed at creating a “government-in-waiting” for the next Republican presidential administration. The main goal of the plan is to avoid the pitfalls of Trump’s first years in office. Trump’s campaign and those behind the plan intend to rein in independent agencies. This seems derogatory on its surface, is the entire document like this? Am I missing something? Please help us understand this better. Thanks much.

Felons For Office ?

I would expect that we would want people of good moral character representing us in our government. 1. Why would we consider voting for anyone convicted of a felony? 2. Shouldn't our Constitution have wording to prevent felons from running and / or holding any elected or appointed position in our government?